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Cucumber Soup

Apropos of Cucumbers shared by a  CSA member.

A cold soup that's great for hot weather
Green onions
Wash and peel the cukes, or remove some of the peel in strips and leave some on, or don't peel at all.  Slice lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.  Then quarter the cukes and cut them in chunks.  Put the chunks in a strainer or colander, salt lightly, and let stand about 15 minutes. 
While the cukes are standing, wash the green onion.  Pour buttermilk (about a quart does it for two large or four small cukes) into a bowl.  Slice (or cut with scissors) the green onions (both white and green parts) into the buttermilk.  Press the cukes gently with paper or clean cloth towels to get them as dry as possible.  Add them to the buttermilk.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
Cover bowl and chill in refrigerator for at least one hour.  If you want, you can sprinkle on some chopped dill or mint when serving, but it's great plain too.
A visitor from Lithuania tells us that they make a similar soup in eastern European countries, but they add cooked beets.  Pink soup!

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