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Shredded Kale Salad

Tender, small leaf Kale is the best to use for this recipe.

Bag of small leaf kale (red Russian or simalar), cut in a chiffonade

Any combination of these toppings:

Roasted beets, toasted walnuts, craisins, cooked farro (or other hearty grain), chevre cheese, roasted broccolli, sauteed onions, shaved parmesan

Toss the shredded kale with toppings of choice and dress with red wine or balsamic vinegar salad dressing.



Brien Darby said,
7/8/2011 @ 11:10 am
Great recipe! But what is a chiffonade?

Josie said,
7/8/2011 @ 11:26 am
To chiffonade is to cut cabbage, kale, spinach or other greens into very long thin strips. It's a technique that works well with working large greens into your recipes.

Hope that helps!
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