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Chatfield CSA E-News for June 2 - 6

Posted 6/2/2014 2:56pm by Josie Hart-Genter.

Dear CSA Shareholders,

Here is the produce list for our second week of distribution. Our crops are coming along nicely with the heat/moisture mix . Our tomatoes are looking great after the recent pruning and trellising work. The various cover crops are over a foot high and are adding a significant amount nutrients to our soil while also cutting down on weed growth.  

Produce List for June 2 - 6 

*This tentative and subject to change

Green Garlic or Chives

Baby Bok Choy

Head Lettuce


Hakurei Turnips

Fresh Herb Choice

Featured Recipe of the Week: Glazed Hakurei Turnips 

1 Bunch Hakurei Turnips

1 oz. (2 Tbs.) unsalted butter

1 Tbs. white miso

1 Tbs. honey Kosher salt

Put the turnips in an 8-inch-wide, 3- to 4-quart saucepan and arrange snugly.

Add butter, miso, honey, 1/2 tsp. salt, and enough water to just cover the turnips (about 2 cups). Bring to a boil over high heat. Cook over high heat, shaking the pan occasionally, until most of the liquid has reduced to a syrupy glaze and the turnips are tender, 10 to 12 minutes.

(If the glaze is done before the turnips, add about 1/2 cup water and continue to cook. If the turnips are done first, remove them and boil the liquid until syrupy.) Lower the heat to medium and toss to coat the turnips with the glaze. Season to taste with salt and serve. (The glazed turnips can be kept warm, covered, for about 20 minutes).


Grilled Grilled Bok Choy

The best way to have bok choy in the summer is on the grill. Cut the bok choy heads in half. Use a large bowl to soak the bok choy heads in a marinade of your choice (we enjoy combining Bragg's amino acid sauce, olive oil, sesame oil, sriracha hot sauce, salt and pepper with some fresh cilantro).

After soaking the bok choy for about half an hour, grill the bok choy on a cool setting or on the top shelf. When the edges of the leaves turn slightly black and the center is golden brown, remove from the grill and enjoy as a side dish or a topping on your rice noodle soup! 


Food Safety Note
Please note that although we have washed our produce once after harvesting it in the field, shareholders should wash the produce at home again before eating. Our farm produce should be treated the same way as grocery store produce: always wash before eating! The best way to wash produce is by running it under cool water. Cleaning products are not necessary. 

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